symptoms after ruqyah

By 24 February 2021Geen categorie

Ruqya diagnosis was the key in identifying that the patient had sihr and that the bowel illness was actually being caused by sihr. WHY DO WE TAKE THE MEDICAL DOCTOR SERIOUSLY BUT NOT THE RAQI? Therefore, if you really want to understand the topic of ruqya diagnosis properly then you should watch the videos, especially Practical Self Ruqya PART 7.1 to 7.5, where I succinctly demonstrate how to do ruqya diagnosis. But anyway, thats what happened after the ruqyah bath. If you don’t feel anything then I recommend that you do the diagnosis twice a day for 5 to 7 days. Experiencing emotions or feelings like a panic attack, anger, anxiety, nervous feeling (butterflies in the stomach), embarrassment, feeling unusually relaxed like you have had a hot bath or used a Jacuzzi or have taken some sort of anti-anxiety medicine, etc. These feelings or emotions are basically a manifestation of the Waswas Conditioning that the patient is suffering from and which has mainly been caused by the possessing jinn, although the qareen could also cause it. NB: These feelings or emotions are almost always accompanied by a physical symptom or reaction. 2) Label 4 bottles of water or 4 glasses of water (at room temperature) with ‘sihr, ayn, mass & waswaas’. Dreams about naked people. 3. Their experience of other cases won’t help them here and they would find it very difficult to give the patient any advice. 4th Kalima 10 times after Fajar and Maghrib The last symptoms of black magic is muscle aches and ‎stiffness. Relax and close your eyes and feel your body completely. Nevertheless, as I said earlier, if you are sincere and are not committing major sins then Allah will answer your specific ruqya diagnosis. Ruqya diagnosis is all about thinking well of Allah and asking and beseeching Allah to show us some significant physical reactions during the reading of ruqya diagnosis and if you are truly sincere then Allah will show you and then you will become convinced about your ruqya diagnosis. (This intensified ruqya diagnosis can also be achieved when a raqi does ruqya diagnosis on a patient while the same patient holds or keeps some ruqya diagnosis water in their mouth). This is because the spiritual ailments on their own, outside of ruqya (ie when ruqya is not administered on them) can exhibit similar symptoms to each other and this can cause confusion and a wrong diagnosis, when you just use the history of the patient and what the patient is complaining about. For example, a woman might complain that her hair is falling out after she went to a wedding, where women were complementing her on how beautiful her hair was. I know of another case where the sihr patient did not exhibit any of the typical physical signs of sihr or jinn possession. Anyway, the main point here is for a patient and raqi to be aware of such “reverse” reactions to ruqya diagnosis and to realise and to appreciate that they are indeed reactions to the ruqya diagnosis and NOT to dismiss them or belittle them! 2. headaches or pain in the body. The patient’s outcome improved after she complemented her psychiatric treatment with ruqyah shar’iyyah, that complied with Islamic creed and law. If you get a clear reaction in the first few minutes of reading (that is any significant reaction when compared to your original reference point) then we can say that you have got sihr. 5) After doing the above, you should re-establish your reference point as described in my self diagnosis notes. So those instances of psychological conditioning that react to ruqya diagnosis are ONLY those instances that were caused by the qareen and possessing jinn in the first place. For more information, descriptions and examples of waswas conditioning, please see my article: “The Waswas from the Posssessing Jinn”). So it is necessary to treat him at the came time for the Psychological problems and for the Mystic problems. They can even make the people smell strange things like rotten meat or faeces and non of this is unusual. If you still don’t get any reactions after 5 or 7 days then we can say that you are clear from sihr. Feeling sleepy or very tired. The people did not have sihr but they saw snakes that weren’t really there. 10) Take some of this sihr diagnosis water into the palm of your hand and then put and rub some of this water on your arms, hands and face. You just have to put your trust in Allah! Patient’s physical reactions during specific ruqya diagnosis are usually less than during general ruqya diagnosis. It might be better to re-establish your reference point while you are lying down flat on your bed. And even if you do feel something, I would still strongly recommend that you continue with the next stage so that you experience major physical symptoms. To assist you in self-diagnosis, Listed below are symptoms categorized by type. The truth of the matter is that there is no difference between the two recommendations. Sadly, these people, who believe that there is not much jinn possession out there, are probably basing there opinion on the fact that the majority of patients do not having speaking jinn. Evil eye of envy for your looks, wealth or spouse, etc. The third symptom is ‎tiredness. It is Allah who makes things clear so that you are not confused. However, you don’t have to use ruqya water and can just read ruqya diagnosis on yourself for 20 to 30 minutes (please try and do 30mins). We have not been inundated with ‘new’ and unexplained cases of ayn since the introduction or invention of social media apps. Psychological problems but that does not exclude the  possibility of being affected by Black Magic. Now, this patient would not have known if they had sihr if they did not do the ruqya diagnosis. Therefore, it would make sense to limit what you post on social media or just allow certain people such as close family and friends to have access. What I have said about crying and laughing is similar to involuntary limb movements during ruqya diagnosis. Having said this, if you put your trust in Allah then he will teach you all you need to know regarding specific ruqya diagnosis. However, when the same person checks for jinn from sihr, then they only get minimal reactions and that is because they only have one jinnee from sihr. Yes, there is more ayn than maybe a 20 years ago but it is not something that is so serious that it requires us to come up with a logical explanation that justifies or explains the small increase. It is possible, when ayn afffects the love between spouses ie they can’t feel it partly or completely, it is not replaced with the emotion of hatred, unless the couple became possessed by jinn (via the ayn), which would then generate the waswas of hatred in the couple’s hearts and which may eventually cause divorce. For more information about specific ruqya diagnosis and how to do it then please watch practical self ruqya part 2 on youtube. So change the sihr intention from “O Allah show me if I have sihr” to the next appropriate one eg: “O Allah show me if I have ayn”, etc. But if you are sure that you are a good and pious Muslim (ie prays 5 times a day and keeps away from major sins) then you can do the ruqya. 6. So if you know that you are directly connected to a hasd network and you feel that your symptoms get worse, every time you post something on social media, then that is probably a sign that the envious person or people who you are connected to or attached to via a hasd network, are actually sending or shooting at you new and more “invisible beams of hasd” that travel along the hasd network and eventually hit you. If you find out that you don’t have sihr then you obviously thank Allah. The importance of the inter-related systems of medical and psycho-spiritual treatments needs to be emphasized as it is crucial to the psychological wellbeing of the patient. For mass (jinn possession) use ayah 6 of Surah Nass. Having said all of that, a person is free to decide if he wants to take our recommendation of checking himself for ayn and jinn possession, just like he is free to decide if he wants to check himself for Vitamin D deficiency and there is definitely no sin on him if decides to ignore our advice. 3. limb movements or severe muscle spasms. Experiencing emotions or feelings like a panic attack, anger, anxiety, nervous feeling (butterflies in the stomach) or embarrassment or feeling unusually relaxed like you have had a hot bath or used a Jacuzzi or have taken some sort of anti-anxiety medicine, etc. NB: These feelings or emotions are almost always accompanied by a physical symptom or reaction. I believe this because of how I was deceived by the possessing jinnee and the fact that I had no clear signs that I had any spiritual disease. Daily recite the last Aytul Kursi & 3 Quls 3 times after each salat. When black magic has done to us, we will feel that our body is not active. NEVER DIAGNOSE A SPIRITUAL DISEASE LIKE THE WAY YOU DIAGNOSE A PHYSICAL DISEASE. Obviously, we can’t do any of these actions which cure ayn so therefore “dawah” is an abstract thing or concept”. ‘Actions are by intentions’ as the Nabi (salalahu alayhi wasallam) said. 7. 12. While the eyes are closed, your eyelids may flicker, move or blink rapidly. After the exorcism, the possessed will usually go back to their normal life after a period of healing. In such a situation, a raqi who does not believe in ruqya diagnosis would be confused and may change his opinion several times regarding the diagnosis of this man or the raqi may feel that since the in-laws are all sahirs then it must be the sihr of divorce. C. For waswaas type 2 conditioning use ayahs 4 and 5 of Surah Nass. So a patient may have a slight headache at the reference point which then becomes a more severe headache while the ruqya diagnosis is read. Having said that if you are someone who regularly posts your photos and other personal affairs and stories online then there is the potential that one of those secret admirers or envious people, whose amazement or envy of you, has been increasing over your posts, will eventually give you ayn when they actually see you in real life or reality. You can intensify your ruqya diagnosis by following the advice below: If the patient does not know why he cried or laughed but he knows it actually happened during the ruqya diagnosisÂ, It is also possible for the patient to cry himself when he hears the Quran during ruqya diagnosis. While the eyes are closed, your eyelids may flicker, move or blink rapidly. Be willing to change the time and the method, depending on progress. You are not doing any ruqya on yourself at the moment so make a note of any feelings or problems e.g twitching of eye, stomach pain or headache….etc. Now, when we say major significant reactions during ruqya diagnosis for sihr or any spiritual illness, we mean a reaction that stands out and which you clearly notice. When they do this, their initial ruqya diagnosis reactions disappear and it would seem that they don’t have any spiritual disease at all, especially if the intensified ruqya is ONLY done for short amount of  time, eg 5 minutes. This will enable you to learn how your body reacts to ruqya. 10. The same applies to a patient who is directly looking at his limb and then he sees his limb move and then he explains it was not him who moved his limb. The jinn could cause a divorce and out of its own free will do things similar to sihr jinn. So please make sure you are not doing sins and that you sincerely beseech and ask Allah from the bottom of your heart to help you diagnose yourself. Once these patients treat themselves for ayn then they will start to feel the emotion of love again for their spouse because it was always there and had NEVER really left in the first place. He went through quite a long list of symptoms but sadly he did not mention ruqya diagnosis even once! Designed to fire up stories with a loudly dramatic flair, this is the tool that does it all. For example, someone once said to me that their dawah (or Islamic talks) was affected by ayn because not many people were coming to their talks anymore. *International Raaqi Sheikh Abder Raouf ben Halima and a team from Ruqyah South Africa will be treating in DURBAN * From the: * 05th to 14th of February* from *10:00am to 06:00pm* *The main symptoms of Sorcery (sihr) and Jinn are:* What has really happened is that they can’t feel the emotion of love, partly or completely, because the ayn has affected their heart and body ie affected those organs or body parts that are responsible for generating the feeling of love so a person may divorce their spouse because they no longer feel love for them. Take 5 to 10 minutes to re-establish your reference point and then do your NEXT specific ruqya diagnosis. Tightness of chest. Stomach pains. 11. This particular ayah is to do with sihr. To check for ayn, Jinn possession (mass) and waswaas, do and use the exact above steps as the sihr diagnosis but now use the following ayahs instead of ayah 4 of Surah Falaq: B. The jinn may also make these people see strange things with their eyes like blood on the floor or large spiders and insects so people become alarmed and then leave the shop or hall. THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE. During actual ruqya diagnosis, we are really asking Allah, through our intention and reading, to show us a significant sign via physical symptoms that the patient has a spiritual ailment, like sihr. Stomach pains. Jaw movements that can be clearly seen which can be side to side movements. 1) Make sincere tawbah to Allah and make sure that you are following Islam correctly and doing everything that Allah wants you to do and you are obviously not doing any major sins. Likewise, a man may lose all or some of his libido because someone was amazed or jealous at the fact that the man had four wives ie they were amazed or jealous that the man must have a high libido to be married to four women. 6. The most important part before and after ruqyah treatment is to keep ontop of your daily protections . On the other hand, if the patient only experiences a mild headache or mild nausea or some weak limb movements, then we can say the spiritual disease is not a serious one. The answer is yes, they could have symptoms like chronic constipation, headache, knees and back problems. How are those raqis (who don’t do ruqya diagnosis) going deal with such patients? If you just want to read ruqya diagnosis without ruqya water then please follow steps: 1, 3, 4, 5 & 13 below. Difficulty in breathing. HELPING TO RE-ESTABLISH YOUR REFERENCE POINT BEFORE YOUR NEXT SPECIFIC RUQYA DIAGNOSISÂ. We must remember that the diagnostic intention in your heart is what really counts. It could also be caused by a possessing jinnee that loves the man and wants to cause divorce. 7. Occasionally, they may get some feelings or emotions like anxiety or panic attacks, especially for jinn possession and waswas conditioning, but usually these feelings or emotions are accompanied by physical symptoms. This website is a modest attempt to give you a better understanding & help empower you to overcome any afflictions you may be suffering … 11. Even if your medical problem is caused by a spiritual disease, you should still visit the doctor for help as they maybe able to give you something that may reduce your medical problem). 14. They should fill a spray bottle with ruqya water and spray around their home and business especially the corners of the walls and ceilings. From experience, it is also possible for a patient to get some minor reactions during their initial ruqya diagnosis and then they stop and then re-do the same ruqya diagnosis but a more intensified form of it, by placing their feet in ruqya diagnosis water. Sadly, however, the case is not the same for a raqi who recommends that Muslims should check themselves for ayn and jinn possession, as there is high incidence of such cases in the Muslim community. DISCLAIMER: This is from the writer’s own experience. (Hence, it is always better to do ruqya diagnosis before actually going to the doctor.

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