spiritual lessons from the life of joseph pdf

By 24 February 2021Geen categorie

It is undeniable that living God’s way of life is tough. (Gen 45:1-15) He forgave them and persuaded them to settle in Egypt with their father, Jacob. From David's own words we have a description of his early life that of a shepherd in the - wilderness, defending his flock from wild predators. As this might be the case, we need to remember that we will ultimately reap what we sow. You shall be over my house, and all my people shall be ruled according to your word; only in regard to the throne will I be greater than you.” And Pharaoh said to Joseph, “See, I have set you over all the land of Egypt” (Genesis 41:39-41). This is God’s purpose for you: because Jesus himself underwent punishment for you, giving you an example, so that you might go in his footsteps” (I Peter 2:19-21, BBE). The name "Genesis" comes from a Greek word meaning "beginning." Jesus Christ is perfect and He did not even commit a single sin. The blessings of God helped Joseph to find favor in the sight of his master and eventually made him be the overseer of his house. Yes, he is the one to whom his father gave a beautiful coat, and he is the one whose brothers sold him into slavery. His daily radio broadcast, “The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans,” can be heard on nearly one thousand radio outlets throughout the United States and in more than one hundred countries. Jesus taught us clearly in John 12:24-26, and also in Mark 10:35-40, that such sufferings as we have seen in the life of Joseph, and in the lives of other of God’s servants as recorded in the Scriptures, are necessary if spiritual fruit with eternal value is to be born to the glory of God. The wife of Potiphar accused Joseph of “mocking” her and Potiphar’s anger was aroused against Joseph. PDF File: From A Pit To A Palace From Prisoner To Prince Lessons Learned From The Life Of Joseph - PDF-FAPTAPFPTPLLFTLOJ-22-1 2/2 From A Pit To A Palace From Prisoner To Prince Lessons Learned From The Life Of Joseph This type of From A Pit To A Palace From Prisoner To Prince Lessons Learned From The Life Of Joseph can be a very detailed document. "I am Joseph your brother, whom you sold into Egypt." Sin will always be sin. This must teach every Christian something today. Though our Christian walk may be tough, we can all be assured that our reward is all worth it. You will suddenly realize why God allow such things to happen. Hi Joshua! Instead of remembering Joseph after the butler’s release, the butler forgot Joseph (Genesis 40:23). When all hopes seem to fade and vanish, Pharaoh had a troubling dream that no one in his court was able to interpret. Change ). As soon as I finished SOAKing the chapter, I sent my husband a … Book of Galatians and the New Covenant: The Truth that Christians Don’t Know, WATCH: How Bitcoin is fulfilling Bible Prophecy. What Does it Mean to Put your Hand on the Plow and Look Back? After all, he could have the best life there is in Egypt by compromising his godly principles. The sooner we recognize and prepare for it, the sooner we will experience victory. He remembered his dream where God revealed unto him that he will rise to power. This is the type of vehement hatred every Christian should have against sin. runt. Here’s a leadership lessons from the life of Joseph: we need to overcome the temptation of instant gratification. Thank you so much for this insightful and wisdom-filled article! He confirmed his faith to God by acknowledging Him to be the supreme giver of knowledge and wisdom. But Joseph’s expectation is nothing compared to what he is about to be rewarded! But if you are given punishment for doing right, and take it quietly, this is pleasing to God. The seduction did not just happen once, but it happened day by day until Potiphar’s wife had to force herself to Joseph as a last resort. From Josiah’s life we can see a process that was used to glorify God, that I believe we can apply to our lives … I pray that you also positively change lives and lead people to God. Christians must realize that no matter what happens in our life, we can always have the confidence that God is in ULTIMATE control. Satan is very wise and would present sin as something desirable. You might also want to read, “Mastering the Art of Delayed Gratification: 5 Surefire Strategies for Christians You might also want to read.”. And when it comes to the part of Joseph’s dreams things get really interesting! Sometimes, things happened beyond our control. All of a sudden, the butler remembered Joseph and mentioned him to the Pharaoh. He made better choices. When it comes to overcoming life’s challenges, lessons from the life of Joseph are very important to learn. %PDF-1.5 %���� So it is only natural that we suffer during this lifetime. He is in a foreign land. A new king is now over Egypt who knows nothing of Joseph. Here are 8 vital life lessons you can apply to your own life… Every Christian must realize that following God and Jesus Christ is not always convenient. Will you enjoy sin for just a brief moment or will you suffer now but enjoy God’s full blessings for eternity? 16th King of Judah - one of the few good kings Judah had. God bless you. “And we know that ALL things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). Joseph, after testing them in different ways, made him known to them. Since Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah and his concubines, it is a natural thing for Jacob to love Joseph more than his other children. 29 Biblical Life Lessons from The Book of Genesis | Genesis Bible Study Free Bible Lessons. He will always supply our needs for “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning” (James 1:17). I love these learning points that have been made. Truthfully, Joseph is an unsung hero of Christ’s early life. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. The chief butler and the chief baker of the king of Egypt offended their lord, the king of Egypt, who then had them thrown in prison with Joseph. Joseph could have all the reasons to do what is right in his own eyes and just forget God’s way of life. Published on By . When he was in prison, he met Pharaoh’s chief butler and baker. Therefore, if things are not going according to your plan, just “stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD” (Exodus 14:13)! If I had to pick a favorite Old Testament Bible story, it would undoubtedly be the life of Joseph. The Life Of Joseph - From Prison To Prime Minister 1 - Background And Introduction - Genesis 32 verses 7-31 We are commencing a series of talks on the life of Joseph, a man who rose to the position of Prime Minister of Egypt, the greatest nation of that time, and he did so by way of a prison cell. God had set a spiritual law in motion that whoever sin will have to suffer its consequences. Joseph is the first son of Jacob by Rachel. One of the major themes of the Bible is to find out what God says and obey Him. This way, our life has meaning and direction unlike to just going with the flow of sin’s influences. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. The New Covenant and the Apostles: What can we learn? Yes, Joseph could have easily succumbed to the seduction of Potiphar’s wife and enjoy the pleasure of sin. His life also sets a good example for all stepfathers out there. The story of Joseph is one of the best known tales in the Bible. ( Log Out /  Joseph’s life is filled with so many untold suffering, anguish, and sadness. Indeed, Joseph should be an inspiration to all Christians out there. So be patient and let God direct your life. As this might be the case, Joseph is among the heroes of faith mentioned in Hebrews 11. His parents are away. We can read from the scripture numerous passages that tell us how difficult it is to answer God’s calling. Instead of giving in to temptation, he “left his garment in her hand, and fled and ran outside” (verse 13). Israel and Joseph have died along with all of his brothers and their generation (Ex. There they both had a dream but no one to interpret them … ��`�V��џ6����%H�9�b6m ��7�e�_�m Aw�/�N[���SL���f$�P��wy���r��5���m@�~r�[qmz�Lݪ���?-�ӆPz�8��L)TB��Y)��k���j,���H2��L�R��i�+Mw����{fZθ�dJs^}��ΕI7`�n^FVZ��v���7fȻ��o��o���lnM���e����xa�&����sDF�?E"�4e� ���y(n=���}�������9%��SлI��`�P���� =��[ This is the reality every Christian must face. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”. 4) There is value in self-control living in the do-whatever … Joseph stayed faithful and obedient to the commandments of God even in a strange land. Email. Share. And this is a book of beginnings because it talks about the beginning of the universe, the beginning of the human race, and the beginning of the people of Israel. Even though a Christian’s life may be filled with hardships, God promises us that He will always be there to support us. Yes, our Christian walk may lead us to an inconvenient life. If your Christian life is always smooth sailing, you better think twice whether you are really on the right track and on your way to eternal life or not. He was betrayed by his brothers; sold to slavery; imprisoned after resisting the seduction of Potiphar’s wife; and forgotten by the chief butler after interpreting his dreams. Among the life lessons from Potiphar’s wife is that, if we are going to suffer, then why not suffer for God? ( Log Out /  Wow! To me, they look almost the same." spiritual renewal in America through the church. Thanks for your kind words. During my university studies, I once attended a lecture presented by a brain surgeon who was attempting in one hour to describe his research on a certain seizure disorder. He did not just walked away from temptation, but he FLED and RAN. The jealousy, hatred, and resentment of Joseph’s brothers led them to sell Joseph to the Midianite traders. God is in charge. Therefore, get rid of all the lame excuses that we might use and let us all “lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Hebrews 12:2). In today’s sermon, we are going to learn how God did just that with the man called Joseph and why it is still relevant to us. Hi Joshua, You are obviously inspired by the spirit of God to write this article on Joseph. So just keep the faith. Each lesson exercises an “inner muscle” that shifts us out of small-minded ego and awakens us to our magnificence as infinite spiritual beings. Amazed and afraid, the brothers said nothing. The life of Joseph might have begun with the wrong note. After the showing goodness to the butler, Joseph was again repaid with unkindness. Because if you are not suffering, it is most probably that you are on the wrong boat. LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE POTTER - Jeremiah 18:1-6; Five Powerful Psalms - 51,32,23,150,91; Recent Posts. (Luke 9:62), 10 Powerful Lessons We Learn from the Life of the Apostle Peter, 5 Powerful and Vital Lessons from the Life of Samson, 10 DEADLIEST Signs of Self-Righteousness You Probably Don't Know, 21 Best Christian Books for Men You Should Read Right Now. The nation has multiplied greatly and become mighty in their land of Goshen. We must not forget that following God will result to blessings that we will enjoy not just during this life, but also during the life to come. He blesses us because of his love and mercy. Leonard Ravenhill in “The Last Days Newsletter” tells about a group of tourists who were visiting a picturesque village. Submit Close. Report "Lesson-7_Spiritual-Self-MeaningofLife_Unedited" Please fill this form, we will try to respond as soon as possible. He habitually demonstrated acts of faith that serve as an evidence of his faith. It is from this place that we can be truly effective agents of change in our lives and in … The Bible story of Joseph is one that teaches us to be courageous in the midst of some of life’s worst storms. So why not choose the life God has called us to live? Whether when or how that will happen, he doesn’t know. Luke 14:31 says, "What king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand?" It’s really one of the best I’ve read, as it’s presented in such a simple yet concise and logical manner, making it incredibly easy to understand and most importantly relate to. God will see us through! The dreams of Joseph can be found in Genesis 37. What credit is it if, when you have done evil, you take your punishment quietly? A moment of pain due to following God’s commandments is worth an eternity of glory in God’s eternal Kingdom. Thanks for this. How easy has it been for us to compromise and just give in to temptation? Disobedience is a proof of disbelief. We need to come to a realization that there is really no excuse good enough for us to sin. That’s a great book title and I’m interested. Very encouraging article from the life of joseph. For this reason, Joseph’s brothers resented and hated him. Notice the determination of Joseph. Hope to read it in the future. As we consider Joseph, we will find our hearts drawn to the Lord. We can always trust the word of God when it says in Deuteronomy 31:6; “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He was tempted at multiple times, and he resisted. However, we must also remember that not obeying God will also lead to inconvenient and sad situations. Faith is dead if you don’t have any works (James 2:17). However, Joseph is better than that. We have seen the living faith of Joseph. It was put through the kiln several times. To make things worse, Joseph narrated to his family a prophetic dream which tells them that Joseph will rise into power and be more influential than his brothers and parents. Written down by scribes about … There will come a point in your life when all things would make sense to you. Of course, God will not bless us because we are righteous and we are entitled of his blessings. But how easy it has been for us to break God’s commandments? But “how can [he] do this great wickedness, and sin against God” (Genesis 39:9)? Joseph’s story illustrates the life-changing power of a godly perspective. Joseph’s faith remained strong throughout the years of his stay in Egypt. Abandoned by his brothers, falsely accused of adultery, forgotten by those he blessed, wasting away in prison—Joseph easily could have drowned in bitterness, been dominated by despair, and forever wrestled with anger. One of the biggest lessons came from chapter 17 (where Joshua encouraged Ephraim and Manasseh). When our faith is tested and proven to be genuine, we are positioning ourselves under the blessings of God. On the fine china the flowers are yellow. His faith is not an “intellectual faith” that only remained in his mind. These lessons have the power to radically change how we see things and how we experience things; and this has a direct impact on how we do things. I’m volunteering as a teacher at my parish’s Sunday School, and this will be immensely useful in helping the students strengthen their faith, as it has strengthened mine! of spiritual development . ��o|�W�3�ar�}�s�MWS,v\J�Nό����i���ws�6�`�7��V��o9@��Ř���z��JX�p)�����A���]�_����C-���+�"��H�����L��ޣ���^<=.�=�o����}��WO����j�~�RxT$ ��AΧ$�>�6w�/K{����۫ǧ�_J � �S_���K8�_�.屝;��|�rr�);�P�K^����C��bN��q�֊Yqy��p����,i��P+V��I����W��������F�)]\~8�. Description Download Lesson-7_Spiritual-Self-MeaningofLife_Unedited Comments. The Christian life is war. If only we could be as faithful in our suffering as Joseph was. The events of Joseph's life are also found in the Torah. !!!!! No king ever entered into a battle … Surely, no one will scold him for doing what is wrong. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The life of Joseph is among the best examples on how God works out his plan. There are three virtues we should see: As children of God, we can learn spiritual … Today it is perhaps most associated with the West End and Sunday school. All he know is that God will never lie (Titus 1:2) and what He has promised, He is able to deliver (Isaiah 46:10). We live in a world where we are bombarded with many opportunities of instant gratification. With this in mind, it should not be a surprise to learn a lot of lessons and principles from the life of Joseph. In regards to Joseph, here are some leadership qualities I admire in him: 1. Learn how your comment data is processed. Why not suffer for living the life God has called us to live? 1 0 obj<> endobj 2 0 obj<> endobj 3 0 obj<> endobj 5 0 obj<> endobj 7 0 obj<> endobj 9 0 obj<> endobj 10 0 obj<>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 11 0 obj<> endobj 12 0 obj<> endobj 13 0 obj<> endobj 14 0 obj[/ICCBased 24 0 R] endobj 15 0 obj[/Indexed 14 0 R 255 25 0 R] endobj 16 0 obj<>stream Yet, He suffered the most excruciating and agonizing death penalty man has ever conceived. Sin is sin. On the other hand, obeying God will bring blessings both in this life and the life to come. Life is expected to be hard and full of challenges. The “Teachings of Joseph Smith” section is di-vided into several subsections, with headings that summarize the main points in the chapter. Joseph has learned the art of delayed gratification. Joseph, who was just a mere prisoner, was suddenly turned into the most powerful ruler in the land of Egypt next to the Pharaoh! We hated sin so much that we don’t want to even get near to it. We could certainly look at many more, but what I have tried to do is give a big picture idea of some of the concepts taught over and over in the Bible. 43 Kings - 6 very good - David, Solomon, Asa, Jehosaphat, Hezekiah, Josiah The problem with most of the rest was that they led the nation into idolotry. Joseph allowed his light to shine continuously, no matter his circumstances. The subject was so broad and complex that he could have continued all day. Lessons From The Life Of Joseph. Reason Description. What do you say to yourself when you are rationalizing your sin? �f(Q��mI�a@7�@ ȊH�͇��(�Ηr�IJ����)�^?��6�O�Zo�6z������� ��ѥr Joseph could have just made excuses and just give up. 3) Suffering to God’s people is not always bad! ( Log Out /  The moment you give in to temptation because of lousy excuses, you are losing the opportunity to develop godly character and to show God that you are growing into the knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. After interpreting Pharaoh’s dream and suggesting a very wise counsel on how to deal with the great famine that will soon befall the land of Egypt, Pharaoh pronounced this to Joseph for everyone to hear: “Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Inasmuch as God has shown you all this, there is no one as discerning and wise as you. From beginning to end, his life is both compelling and inspiring. Thank you for your patience and continued support! "My lord, take my life instead," begged Judah. What are the lessons we can learn from the Apostle Peter? The story of Joseph is found in Genesis 37-50. After about 11 years of faithful service to Potiphar, he was rewarded with imprisonment. You will never be able to escape its ugly and deadly effect. 2. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. But Joseph’s integrity and dedication to God kept him in the right track. Joseph’s life was about to take another turn. Matthew - Mark - Gospel Harmony - Knowing Jesus … This is a very inspiring read for me. We need to remember that these lessons will be useless if we don’t put it into practice. God bless you richly! Mention should also be made of two books that were of particular help in the composition of this study outline. Greetings! his … endstream endobj 17 0 obj<>stream As this might be the case, God still expects us to follow His commandments for his commandments lead to eternal life (John 12:50). God laid it on my heart that I don’t encourage others as much as I should, especially my husband (who is a pastor, and who needs a lot of encouragement to continue to do God’s work). I am passionate about inspiring people to find their God-given purpose in life. What does it mean to dwell in the secret place of the Most High (Psalms 91:1)? However, God has this to say for those who still choose to follow Him: “For it is a sign of grace if a man, desiring to do right in the eyes of God, undergoes pain as punishment for something which he has not done. She forced Joseph to lie with her but Joseph fled. Joseph did the right thing, but this did not lead to something good, at least for the moment. This is how God works. This is the sense I … God knows every detail of our lives. “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Joseph knew that Judah, who had suggested selling Joseph, was truly changed. After some years being in Egypt, he could have easily dismissed God as someone who doesn’t care. Technological advancement made our life easier to the point that we feel entitled for all the good things in this life. At the end of the story of Joseph, he said, “But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life… So now it was not you who sent me here, but God” (Genesis 45:5, 8). If God’s way of life is important to you, you will find every reason to follow him instead of making excuses. LESSONS LEARNED AT LIFE'S BITTER POOLS (Exodus 15:22-27) Confession of WHO AM I IN CHRIST JESUS! Joseph said. Since this world is geared towards the way of getting, we can easily see why this world has a poverty of patience. The cities of Pithom and Raamses were built as a result of his plans to keep … Spiritual Lessons from the Life of Joseph A customer asked a shopkeeper, "What makes this set of china so much more expensive than that set over there? . Not discovered. Being a Christian is not easy. This resentment even grew when Jacob gave a highly decorated coat to Joseph. As we continue these studies we will see pride and prejudice, dishonesty and … What a remarkable turn of event! Just imagine what the world would be like if every Christian did so? He relied on God. However, the story doesn’t end there. You can also have the faith that God has a plan for you and He is currently working with you. The lessons from the pit Joseph’s life are POWERFUL. Joseph knew this and he was very patient for God’s promise. His life and achievements have been used in Biblical teachings for 100’s of years. . Joseph is pretty epic! 2) God provides and blesses those who persevere to follow Him. It seems that with just a simple push of a button, we can instantly have what we want. Part of being faithful is being patient. ( Log Out /  Thanks Justice. The narrative of his life occupied a good portion of the book of Genesis. On the less … Humble- the power and prestige of his position working for … The one who is the focus of our study is the Joseph about whom we read in Genesis 37-50, the son of Rachel. I am sure that you and I right now have not yet experienced what Joseph experienced. Joseph, in a very young age, lost everything. Final words. The jealousy, hatred, and resentment of Joseph’s brothers led them to sell Joseph to the Midianite traders. I’m sure that Joseph put his life on the line just to protect His family. Lastly, I get commissions for purchases made through my Amazon affiliate links in this website. I AM JOSHUA and I’m on a mission to help fellow Christians build a closer and more intimate relationship with God. Joseph forgave them; Jacob and the family moved to Egypt and lived in the land of Goshen; Life Application of the Story of Joseph: Once he was sold into slavery, Joseph needed to grow up quickly. This six-week Bible study features perspective-changing lessons from Joseph through video teaching from Dr. Evans, a Bible study book with … But from David came both Joseph and Mary, and her son Jesus was Son of David ind eed. Share & Embed "Lesson-7_Spiritual-Self-MeaningofLife_Unedited" … God is not yet done. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Very revealing, insightful and powerful. No longer able to hide his love for . He refused and strongly overcame the seduction of his master’s wife. the strategies of spiritual warfare. This could be the golden opportunity for Joseph to turn around his life, from being a slave and prisoner to become freeman again. To God be the glory! If we cannot see such a vivid and moving portrayal in the life of Joseph, then our spiritual sight is dim indeed. He was honest. his family, Joseph sent all the Egyptians out. Do Right . Don’t be deceived. He is our Father and like an earthly father, “no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly” (Psalms 84:11). You will … PRAYERS THAT ROUT DEMONS (PDF) Avoiding Spiritual Shipwreck ( 1 Timothy 1:18-20 ) Happy Belated Father’s Day Greetings 2. Though we might not understand the things that are now happening, we can have the faith that God will work all things for good! Because of this, the “LORD was with Joseph and he became a successful man” (Genesis 39:2). A LESSON FROM THE LIFE OF JOSIAH 1. Who was Josiah? Heroes of Faith: 5 Vital Lessons from the Life of Joseph, Mastering the Art of Delayed Gratification: 5 Surefire Strategies for Christians You might also want to read, Heroes of Faith: 5 Vital Lessons from the Life of Jacob, Heroes of Faith: 5 Lessons We can Learn From the Life of Abel, 5 Powerful Lessons from the Life of Jephthah, Heroes of Faith: 5 Vital Lessons from the Life of Moses, Follow Becoming Christians on WordPress.com, 12 Important Lessons We Learn from the Temptation of Jesus Christ. It will lead to difficulties and persecutions. Video of This Lesson. He is ultimately in control. 1:10). The costlier china has had more done to it. He sees this nation of foreigners living in his country as a threat (Ex. Joseph has all the excuses and reasons in the world to stop obeying God. No one will hold him accountable for giving in to temptation. As they walked by an old man sitting beside a fence, one tourist asked in a patronizing way, “Were any great men born in this village?” The old man replied, “Nope, only babies.” He was right. Then he began to weep. Yes, sin can bring fleeting physical pleasures, but we need to remember that it will never last because sooner or later, you will have to face its negative effects. New Testament Lessons: Journey with the Messiah Part 1 (ESV®) Journey with the Messiah Part 2 (ESV®) Journey with the Messiah Part 1 (KJV) Journey with the Messiah Part 2 (KJV) Experiencing the Power of Jesus (ESV®) Experiencing the Power of Jesus (KJV) Journey to the Cross - Life of Jesus. Your name. (Gen 50:26) Lessons learnt from Life of Joseph: God’s … God can use the most painful time of our life for His good. I’m currently writing a small book on the lessons we can learn from Joseph’s life: A COAT OF MANY COLORS! Because of this, his brothers sold him and was brought to a foreign and unfamiliar land. I hope you also read other blogs on this site. Joseph was brought to Egypt where the Midianite traders had sold him to Potiphar, “an officer of Pharaoh and captain of the guard” (Genesis 37:36). So what are the spiritual lessons from the life of Joseph pdf? Both of these prisoners had a dream and Joseph interpreted the dreams for them. And because of that, his brothers were more than jealous of him. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Blessings and peace be upon you. … To God be the glory. Why not give our suffering a worthy reason and cause? Lessons from Joseph’s life – Part 1 Joseph is the eleventh son of Jacob and the eldest of the two sons of Rachel; Gen: 30:24; and his name means “God-adds”. Joseph lived for 110 years. ���]���V���KmF�G���f��աh����ի>�`P�9��)�+�Y9 ��������`����g�����S��^2������x��C�`S'����g>�|�`B/_Ĉ��������T1��}˷����-������ċ��nq?�x���"����O ��ߛ�*f~�����7�U��]�7�@W�Ӏ����i����|і�h��&���b6p H��UKS�1��Wd��4$��M��э(t�RK�:mA But he was pretty unfortunate early in life– hated by his brothers, sold into slavery, falsely accused, and then imprisoned for the crime he didn’t commit. Doing the right thing will not always lead to better outcome. Leadership is developed. You can just imagine how Joseph would have received this punishment. Thanks bunches! H����n�0��z All these happened according to Joseph’s interpretation of their dreams. The life of Joseph is one of the most fascinating stories in the Bible–better than the best Hollywood movies and great novels ever written. The story of Joseph in Genesis is one worth reading again and again. The quotes are…WOW. I’m extremely happy that my articles are being a source of inspiration to others. Rejoice and be EXCEEDINGLY glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you (Matthew 5:11-12). The butler’s dream meant that he will be reinstated to Pharaoh’s house while the baker was hanged. What did Jesus teach about the New Covenant. After studying the Book of Genesis, this is the best closure that taps into fine inscribed of Joseph.. The first and most important is a commentary by Dr. George Lawson, a Scotsman of the late eighteenth century who Spurgeon described as, “a man of … Let’s bring it all together with some lessons we can all learn from Joseph’s life: 1) God’s plans and purposes are far greater than our own! He was loved by his father so much – something he has no control of – to the point that his brothers resented him. We will be going through that chapter to see the life lessons we can learn from them. Joseph’s story gives us an idea how God works in the grand scheme of things. ….. Every time I read the story of Joseph I learn something new. Obedience to God is a proof of your faith. His dependence on God would open a door that would literally change history and become an even greater display of his character. After all, he did the right thing and he “deserves” to be fairly dealt with. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The pharaoh immediately sent and called Joseph. The first part of Genesis (1-11) tells …

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